We are NOT a religion group.
We are 'Kingdom Citizens'. We are sons and daughters of Our Eternal King.
We travel around our islands, raising up Bible Clubs in our communities.
Bible Clubs are NOT own by a religions because religion politics can destroy a Bible Club.
The three most important subjects to be teach in a Bible Club. We MUST teach our childrens, how to:
1) Read + Mediate on the Word (Bible) daily.
2) Prayer (Most important activity for a Kingdom Citizen)
3) Fasting (Most powerful tool to unlock closed doors)
** When you mix Prayer and Fasting; it's 'Awesome.'
Teachers from the Bible Clubs, should lead his/her Bible Club students to 'Seek the Kingdom of GOD first'. So they will always lead by the HOLY SPIRIT in all things they do. If they do; their lesson plan will always download as an instructions from His Holy Throne Of Grace.